Call Manager Helpful Hints

Call Manager Helpful Hints

Dial *318 rather than (715) xxx-9000 to access the voicemail system.


By pressing the # key, you can skip the Hints you’re already familiar with. Leave Hints at any time by pressing the * key. Replay Hints from the start at any time by pressing 1.

# KEY:

Used for telling the Message Center that you have finished entering a number. When you are not entering number, the # key lets you skip ahead to the next task. If you press the # key while listening to messages you will skip to the next message immediately. Press the # key to skip the rest of what the Message Center is saying.


Used to skip back a section. When entering a telephone number or pin number, pressing the * key cancels the input and prompts you to start again. When adding addresses to a message the * key removes the last address or cancels sending the message once there are no addresses remaining. From the Options Menu the * key takes you back a step to the previous menu.

Note: address – (additional phone numbers for message to be sent too)

When listening to a message pressing the * key will take you back to the main menu and not to the previous message.

Note: pressing the * key at the Main Menu will end your call. The Message Center will then thank you for using the service and your call will end.


  • Press 7 7 during message playback to skip back 5 seconds.

  • Press 9 9 during message playback to skip ahead 5 seconds.

  • Press 1 1 to jump back to previous message.

  • Playback Volume: Pressing the 6 key while a message is playing allows you to increase the volume. Each time you press the 6 key, it increases the volume a little.

  • Playback speed: Press the 7 key while a message is playing to decrease playback speed. Press 9 during message playback to increase playback speed

  • Auto Play Option allows you to go directly to listening to your messages as soon as you access your mailbox instead of being provided an Options Menu and then having to select from the menu. This option can be found in the Mailbox Settings Menu.


  • 4 key is for reply

  • 5 key is for forward.

  • Press 2 from the Main Menu to send a message.

  • If you press 2 you can record a new message and send it on to another subscriber’s mailbox. The next time they check voicemail they will hear your message. This is handy when you need to send someone a message but don’t want to disturb them by ringing their phone. Another nice thing about sending messages this way is that when you get a message like this you can press 4 to reply back to it. Another subscriber could press 2 to send you a message and you could press 4 to record a message that will be sent right back to them – you don’t even need to enter their phone number.

  • If you’d like to share one of your messages with a friend or co-worker who also has voicemail, you can press 5 to forward a copy of the message. When you press 5 the voice tutorial will ask you for the phone number of the subscriber that you’d like to send it to and then will let you record an introduction to it. The other subscriber will hear your introduction followed by the message that you’ve copied to them.


  1. You are prompted to record your NAME to be used by our service for system-generated announcements. When someone calls your house, or when you log into your voicemail, your recorded NAME is announced. Also, when you leave a message for another person that has Call Manager, your recorded NAME is played prior to the message.

  2. You are prompted to record a custom GREETING or choose from system-generated greetings. This is what you record to tell callers you cannot take their call right now, please leave a message.

Please make sure you have recorded these items correctly, as we have had some customers get them reversed. To change your NAME recording, first login to your mailbox. Select 3, Work with Greetings Menu, 3 again, System-Generated Greetings and Name Recording, and then 2 and follow the instructions. You can also change your GREETINGS under the Work with Greetings Menu, selection 3 on the Main Menu.

Click here for the SmartLink Call Manager Helpful Hints user guide.

If you have additional questions, please contact our Customer Support Team at 800-250-8927. 

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